Nounify Taipei V2
Proposal defeated
ID 411
ID 411
Proposed on: Oct 14th, 2023
Proposed on: Oct 14th, 2023
Result details
69 votes cast
Participation rate
Final Votes
0 of 109
Majority support
Last Year
We collaborated with nouns DAO last year during Taipei Blockchain Week: last year's proposal
We went above and beyond the original proposal, even going over budget to create one of the coolest noun spaces at a conference in Asia, here's a must watch highlight video to show: NounsDAO x TBW 2023 highlight reel
And some photo highlights:
Dedicated Nouns VIP section
Nouns exposure on socials
Dedicated Nouns Photobooth
This Year
This year we are scaling up bigger after a huge success last year. We want to put nouns glasses on the iconic Taipei 101 landmark building during the conference. (e.g. Imagine noggles on the Empire State Building in NYC during NFT.NYC)
How graphics look on Taipei 101
Concept mock-up with nouns branding on Taipei 101 (final design pending)
The conference will be hosted at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - a former tobacco factory warehouses turned exhibition spaces & shops for local artist & designers
The venue's outdoor area is directly next to the iconic Taipei 101 (reference photo from a wedding there), which will give attendees the best view of the huge nounsDAO glasses - in addition, the entire city of Taipei with 2.6 million people.
We have also been actively hosting events in the Taiwan web3 community throughout the year, hosting a pizza party for Pizza Day in Taipei, and collaborating with Nouns running club in Paris by providing food/coffee after the run!
This year Taipei Blockchain Week we have Vitalik and Brian Armstrong confirmed to speak, so will have quite the audience, both local and international.
We are connected with the Taipei 101 staff for conference marketing and hope to take this chance to feature the iconic Nouns design on the iconic Taipei 101.
- Nouns DAO will be listed as a conference sponsor
- Noggles/Nouns branding will be featured on Taipei 101 over the course of the conference (for the max duration of what the budget allows)
- Reserved speaking slot for a nouner to share about Nouns DAO experience during the conference
- IRL activations such as noggles / photobooth like last year for everyone to take photos with and share on socials
- Podcast interview with a nouner sharing about nounsDAO on the biggest tech/web3 podcast in Taiwan we co-host a DAO segment with called Blocktrend, consistently featured on top of Apple podcast's home page in Taiwan.
- Collaborate with nouns running club for an official 5K run side event for all the conference attendees
At the heart of this conference is a driven local community DAO from Taipei. Despite the buzz around the Nouns fork, it's vital to remind the world that we're still building, innovating, and pushing boundaries. It's more than just bouncing back – we're evolving and demonstrating that the Nouns spirit is more vibrant than ever.
By championing the local community – one of the most dynamic crypto hubs in Asia – we're not just supporting Taiwan's web3 ecosystem. We're setting a gold standard and lighting the way for others to follow. Let's collaborate and showcase what true community-led growth looks like!
The Taipei 101 marketing slot costs ~50K USD daily. While the conference goes from 12/11-16. We're hoping to request 100K to cover the 2 days out of five of the main conference when there is the most attention for web3 in the city. (reduced scope from the first draft of 3 days, 150K based on nouner feedback)
- Taipei 101 Marketing Cost: 100k
- Noggles order and photo ops: ~1K
Total Cost: 101,000 USDC → 0xc4FA4Cf2820EC4Fe5998c21f117c0F8Ee95c9B9B
The Taipei Blockchain Week Leads:
- Conference Lead: Tiffany Lai, Head of Growth, NFTs Art & Culture, Ava Labs
- Design/Production Lead: Andy An Co-Founder, 0xAvenue
- Programming Lead: Jacky Wang, Co-Founder,
- Finance Lead: Jesse Kao, Head of Finance, Gauntlet
- PR/Media Lead: Rinnie Chuang, Global BD, Supra Oracles
- Hackathon Leads: Cindy Lin, Head of Dev Community, Evernew Capital
- Legal Lead: Jolie Yang, Senior Product Counsel, Coinbase
- ... and many more contributors listed in the event overview deck
(noun40 voting via agora) appreciate the proposal! It also seems like you did a cool activation last year with a tight budget last year (< $10k) so props to that and for caring about nouns. I think the reality of the matter is that it's pretty dao consensus that we're no longer that excited to sponsor conferences as a way of getting brand exposure. we're more excited about doing or making something noteworthy that leads to ppl discovering nouns organically (e.g. nouns esports). again, appreciate the prop and the effort put into it! **FOR 252 VOTE** **eusoujp.eth** | *"Putting ⌐◨-◨ on Taipei 101 is definitely a huge achievement for Nouns."* **AGAINST 501 VOTES** **ABSTAINS - 10 VOTES**
Won't get the votes so I am voting Against, thank you for your effort
50k per day, seems pretty insane. Im not sure the reach is worth that type of spend IRL.
maybe our presence at these conferences should be defined by the amount of emergent nounish projects being discussed on panels, nouner-speakers, etc. feels like maybe the wrong sort of place to lean into swag-bombing or even to be paying for a seat at the table? That said i think its great to provide real social amenities like pizza, running club, etc, which likely increase goodwill. on the other, if we prioritize making substantive technical/cultural contributions to the space, we'll get there.
too expensive - let's do something small and scrappy again
Would sponsor a Nouns Meetup in Taipei, but would not sponsor conference-related marketing. We can do more good with less money. *sent from*
Hey jacky, i think 40 and other voters said it well here -- the daos appetite has evolved and brand exposure via conferences is no longer that compelling. Instead we gravitate towards "world building" where nouns create their own lore and reasons to exist. Also, want to make it clear that i appreciate you a lot and would support anything you do that is more aligned with the daos wants/direction in a heartbeat. Here to help if you wanna brainstorm.
Instead, try getting a speaker slot, or doing a panel like we did at NFT Fest Australia, and then take a guerrilla marketing approach. Nounify events with your story, rather than with sponsorships, and avoid getting tied down to an expo booth. For example, I was with Aubtoshi and Cheffo this week at SXSW Sydney, where we've not booth or presence. But every 10 minutes we were stopped by people asking "what are these cool glasses?" From which many opportunities arose. Some people saw us and yelled, "Nouns!?" Another, "Noggles!? Is that Gnars!?!?" Go against the grain and make the most of people who take notice beyond a booth.
I think there is a lot of value to IRL events but this cost is just too high to justify.
appreciate the level of professionalism, but i'd prefer more pizza and running, less sponsorship
Thanks for the enthusiasm. Voting against because conference sponsorships are not exciting to me unless the experience is carefully crafted and the fit is compelling.
+1 0x32d1...d4f5
crypto conferences are very pricey when it comes to traditional sponsorships which this appears to be, i'm not excited about $50k/day for things like being listed on event brochures, signage, having a speaker, ect. would support more organic/unique/nounish activations in taipei but not a fan straight conference sponsorships
*please make sure to add tldr/summary to proposals. candidly, i find the cost too high for something that isn’t that nounish imo. i would pursue something more organic and unique to the community in Taipei.
Final Votes
0 of 109
Majority support
Final Votes
20 addresses
67 votes
Impact Overview
Tue Oct 17, 06:01 am
Voting period started
Ethereum block: 18368176
Sat Oct 21, 06:44 am
Voting period ended
Ethereum block: 18396976
Proposal defeated
Proposal defeated