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Tally Protocol

Optimize Governance with the Tally Protocol.

  • The Problem: The incentives for participating in DAOs are broken. Token holders are asked to actively manage and govern multi-billion dollar protocols at their own expense. Large delegates fund their critical research and operations via inconsistent grants or retroactive funding. Token holders hold illiquid unproductive assets with little or no incentive to participate.
  • The Answer: The Tally Protocol unlocks the economic potential of governance tokens by providing a liquidity layer for governance staking and restaking, while optimizing the distribution of voting power to drive economic security back to blockchain protocols. Returning voting power to the DAO, rewarding delegates for contributions, and allowing staked token holders to participate in DeFi.

Chain Support

To support protocol governance on specific networks through Tally, the network where the DAO's Governor contracts are deployed must first be integrated into the Tally platform.

  • Tally makes it easy to add custom network support on the Tally platform. By adding chain support on Tally, protocols take full advantage of our toolset, including innovations like MultiGov™, Relay, & all of Tally's traditional proposal & delegation features.
  • The Tally team of engineers has integrated over 50 chains into the Tally platform & makes the support process easy so you can start governing with ease as soon as possible.

Proposal Features

Tally's no-code proposal creator makes complex DAO proposals simple. Get paid, change parameters, mint tokens, and more with just a few steps.

  • Onchain proposals are how DAOs operate. From paying contributors, upgrading the protocol, or electing security council members, onchain proposals move organizational decisions into action.
  • Tally’s onchain proposal features offer solutions for the most experienced DAO operators & the DAO beginner. Create proposals with Tally’s no-code proposal creator, run proposal simulators, use Diff Checker to catch any mistakes, and execute MEV protected treasury swaps directly on Tally.

Optimistic Governance

Streamline your DAOs operations. Optimistic Governance allows a small group of decision-makers to propose changes quicker than the normal Governance process. Subject to a veto from the DAO community.

  • The traditional governance process requires a quorum achieved through a full DAO vote; with Optimistic Governance, a small council is elected by the DAO to propose & execute changes to the DAO without the tedious process of traditional onchain governance.
  • All proposed changes enter a timelock where DAO members can veto malicious proposals or proposals the community deems incorrect before its executed onchain.
  • Optimistic Governance is built on the same battle-tested, open source governance framework as all DAOs on Tally. (Open Zeppelin Governor)

Tally Zero

Tally Zero is a completely decentralized voting application designed to facilitate onchain voting via the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

  • Tally Zero serves as a fundamental tool to ensure people can always vote onchain, even if all the more complex front ends, like Tally, are offline.
  • Onchain Voting on the application allows users to connect to any governor address and vote on a proposal in a completely decentralized manner. This ensures that the voting process is transparent, secure, and tamper-proof
  • In June 2023, AWS had a compute outage that affected Tally during a big vote in the Aribtrum DAO. Voting through the outage was made possible by Tally Zero. Read the full story here.


MultiGov™ enables DAOs to govern across any chain, regardless of where it deployed. The Future is Multichain.

  • Wormhole, Tally, and ScopeLift  teamed up to build MultiGov™: an industry-first multichain governance system available to DAOs on Solana, Ethereum mainnet, and EVM L2s. The Wormhole DAO is the first to adopt MultiGov, enabling W holders to create, vote, and execute governance proposals on any supported chain. Integrating this innovative governance model marks a significant shift towards a truly decentralized and inclusive decision-making process that operates at a level above the multiple underlying chains.

MultiGov aims to keep DAO governance:

  • Active by meeting community members on their preferred chain.
  • Accessible to all token holders, by lowering gas costs.
  • Decentralized by enabling token holders choose the chain they vote on.
  • Flexible by allowing DAOs to easily expand to new networks as their protocol does.

To learn more about MultiGov read the announcement here and watch Tally CTO & Co-Founder Rafael Solari’s ETH Denver 2024 Talk here.

Delegation Features

Tally is the best place to explore DAO delegates, become a delegate, & reward delegate participation.

  • For DAOs that use the Governor contract, only delegated tokens can participate in voting. Token holders must delegate tokens to participate in governance votes. Holders can either delegate to themselves or to another address active in the DAO.
  • Tally provides a powerful delegate discovery experience. Delegates can easily set up a delegate profile to highlight their values, show past DAO activity, and link to relevant external accounts. Users can quickly source delegates during the delegation process to make an informed decision when delegating tokens.

Tally API

Use the Tally API to integrate onchain DAO data with your project.

  • The Tally API makes it easy to query onchain data about Governor DAOs, easily list Governors, onchain proposals, accounts with delegations, and a variety of other onchain governance data.
  • Developers use the API to build notifications, dig into voter data, and build governance functionality right into the application layer. Whether you're a developer, a data enthusiast, or an organization aiming to integrate governance into your platform, the Tally API is designed with you in mind.
  • Interested in learning more or need a custom Tally API interface? Email biz@tally.xyz to set up a chat with our team!


Subsidize gas costs for DAO participants. Relay allows tokenholders to delegate, vote, propose, and execute proposals for free.

  • Relay is Tally's answer to the growing need for gasless transactions in DAOs. In essence, it allows users to relay any transaction—delegating, voting, or creating proposals—without incurring the often prohibitive gas fees associated with such actions.
  • DAOs can fund a budget dedicated to Relay transactions through Tally. Tally will then relay transactions for the DAO, making governance participation free for members. Tally sustains itself by taking a small fee on each transaction, ensuring the continued operation of the Relay service.
  • Relay leverages the power of OpenZeppelin Defender, a battle-tested framework designed for smart contract security and operations. By seamlessly integrating OpenZeppelin Defender with Tally's frontend, Relay ensures a secure and efficient process for gasless transactions within DAOs.